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    Laboratory requirements

    The BNN laboratory recognition consists of the following six elements:

    • Modular system
    • Basic document check at initial recognition, in particular:

    + method accreditations

    + at least 3 years of application of the respective analytical methods in the laboratory (to be documented), "professional experience"

    + successful participation in at least 3 external competence tests according to BNN criteria

    • Proof of assessment competence in a (telephone) interview
    • Conditions for maintaining admission
    • BNN ring tests
    • Re-recognition after three years

    Laboratories can apply for and receive BNN recognition for pesticide analyses for the following food groups (modules):

    • M1: Fruit and vegetables (fresh and processed)
    • M2: Cereals and cereal products, rice, pulses
    • M3: Oilseeds and vegetable oils and fats
    • M4: Tea, fruit and herbal teas, dried herbs and spices
    • M5: Honey and bee products

    Laboratories can apply for and receive BNN recognition for contaminant analyses for the following substance groups:

    • S1: Mycotoxins
    • S2: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) / tropane alkaloids (TA)
    • S3: Metals and other elements
    • S4: Phthalates and other plasticisers
    • S5: PAH and MOSH/MOAH
    • S6: Dioxins and PCBs

    The laboratory accreditation is awarded externally and carried out by the Lach & Bruns Partnership.

    Detailed information, i.e. a guideline with the requirements, the scale of fees, the application form as well as information on the procedure can be found here.